Reclaiming Marketing as a Healing Practice

Why is it that the people who most STRUGGLE with marketing are those whose gifts are of greatest benefit to us?? 

Many entrepreneurs, particularly those who are sensitive to energy, struggle with marketing because they’ve been exposed to manipulative, scarcity-based tactics. These strategies, often rooted in fear and urgency feel repulsive... and NO WONDER we are resistant to that!!

But here’s the important truth: It’s not marketing itself that’s the problem—it’s the energy behind it. 

Reclaiming Marketing as a Healing Practice. 

What if marketing were seen as a sacred extension of your work? Instead of separating marketing from your healing practice, Magnetic Marketing integrates it as part of the transformation your clients experience. 

It’s not just about making a sale—it's about helping your clients prepare energetically for the changes they will go through as they work with you. Think of your marketing as pre-work for your clients. It sets the tone, aligns their energy, and prepares them for the deeper work to come. 

Just as you carefully hold space for clients in a healing session, you can approach marketing with the same level of care, attention, and love. Marketing is healing. 

Problem-Solution Stacking: The Key to Client Attraction 

A key aspect of Magnetic Marketing is understanding that every solution you provide creates a new problem. For example, a client might come to you because they need help growing their business, and after working with you, they start attracting more clients. The new problem is that now they need better systems to manage their growing business. 

This is where problem-solution stacking comes in. By understanding that each stage of your client’s journey will bring new challenges, you can structure your offerings to naturally lead clients from one stage to the next. When you position yourself as the solution to both their current and future challenges, you become their go-to resource, and conversions increase naturally. 

⭐⭐⭐️Key Affirmations for Magnetic Marketing⭐⭐⭐

✨Marketing is healing. 

✨My energy is medicine for my soulmate clients. 

✨My business is a sacred temple. 

✨Marketing is the pre-work that prepares clients for transformation. 

✨My marketing is the gateway to wealth and abundance for me and my clients. 

When you approach marketing with this mindset, it stops feeling like a burden and becomes a powerful tool for transformation and abundance

 ➡️Ready for Support? 

If this approach to marketing resonates with you, then the Abundant Business Mentorship is designed to take you deeper with coaching and implementation. Over the course of six months, you’ll learn how to create an energetically aligned business that attracts clients and generates consistent cash flow. 

Using numerology codes and energy alignment, I will create a customized business plan... a written plan, just for you.  It will include client pathway, and marketing strategies that feel good to your body and your soul. 

Then, with 6 months of group coaching, implementation calls, and teaching sessions, you’ll learn how to integrate a quiz funnel, a 3 stage business model, and magnetic marketing your business, positioning yourself as the go-to expert for your clients’ needs. 

The result? A thriving, abundant business that flows effortlessly from one stage to the next. 

Next step? Join Abundant Business Mentorship!!

If you have questions or want to chat first,  book into my calendar or send me a DM on Instagram!



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